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Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Care

Art Image of Baby in Womb Surrounded by Flowers

My practice has a special focus on fertility, pregnancy, postpartum care and women's and lgbtq health. I absolutely love working with this aspect of life!


Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have long been used to assist in regulating the cycle, enhancing fertility, iui and ivf support and healthy pregnancy, labor and postpartum. We see fertility as the natural outcome of a balanced and nourished body. Come see me if you are trying to get pregnant, want support with the IUI or IVF process or are experiencing nausea, vomiting, threatened miscarriage, delayed labor and a host of common problems associated with pregnancy. I also love to support postpartum new mamas to help recover from birth, balance your hormones or improve lactation.


I support mental health and study fertility from a 8 Extra ordinary vessels perspective as well as with practitioners at Yinova in New York. I follow Debra Betts' protocols and recomendations that were developed in over 30 years of co-practice with midwives and obstetricians in hospitals and birth centers in New Zealand  as well as those of my acupuncture and internal medicine mentor, China trained gynecologist Hua Ling Shu.  I offer treatment plans that make regular sessions more affordable as well as very short 30 minute sessions when prepping for egg retrieval and transfer. 


If you are seeking care to support IVF, optimally we can work together for 3 months prior to beginning treatment to prepare for follicle stimulation and implantation. Though any acupuncture and herbs are better than none, research shows at least 8 treatments pre IVF leads to higher live birth outcomes. In the phase between injectables and trigger shots to stimulate follicles, I recommend bi weekly treatment. If you are booking for the first time and are in this phase, I recommend booking your first 4 appointments beyond just your initial intake as I tend to schedule out about 2 weeks ahead and time is of the essence. Preparation is more important than a single treatment the day before or day after. 


If you are seeking to turn a breech baby, I suggest coming in at 33/34 weeks, as research shows this is the time frame when its most likely to have success. Reach out by email here if you have any questions!

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